
Is it Time for New Windows?

As the seasons change, it becomes more important to stay on top of how well the home is functioning. Everything from the roof to the siding needs to be in strong working condition to protect against inclement weather. One of the trickiest parts of the home to evaluate are the window installations. 1521

Pocket vs. Full-Frame Installations: Evaluating Your Options for Window Replacement

Doing plenty of research before embarking on a home improvement project is an important step to take—whether you’re planning a big project like a new roof or a smaller one such as options for window replacement. At Smart Exteriors, our contractors are used to answering all kinds of questions from homeowners interested in remodeling their Kansas City area homes—and are always glad to share all of the information we have about the work we do…

Popular Window Styles in Modern Homes

Function often takes the driver’s seat when it comes to home improvement, especially when renovations are made on a tight budget. Form, however, is arguably just as important as function in all of the components of your home, and your window styles are certainly no exception. At Smart Exteriors, we love helping our customers evaluate their best options for window replacements. Because quality isn’t an issue—as we only use window products that are made with…

How to Tell When It’s Time to Replace Your Windows

There’s no doubt that being a homeowner is a rewarding experience. Owning your home is a fantastic investment and comes with numerous short-term and long-term benefits. However, the privilege of homeownership also comes with many responsibilities, including maintenance and upkeep of your property whenever necessary. One of the trickiest responsibilities to handle is when it’s time to replace your windows or other features of your home. When windows start giving us problems, it’s easy to…

A Beginner’s Guide on The Different Kansas City Window Types

Shopping for windows for your home can become a stressful task, especially when you don't have prior information of Kansas City window types, and don't understand the jargon used. But it does not have to be that way. In this definitive guide, you will get all the information on the different types of windows and find essential pro-information that you'll need to breeze through shopping, selecting and having your windows installed. Beginner's Lesson on Kansas…